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Insights | Chinese path to modernization a valid model for challenges facing humanity: Spanish schol

2024-03-26 17:38:32 来源: ECNS

(ECNS) -- The Chinese path to modernization represents a valid model to address the main challenges facing humanity such as sustainable development, the search for peace, and the fight against inequality and poverty, said Javier García, journalism professor at Renmin University of China and former director of Agencia EFE in China.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

García made the remarks in Wuyishan, Fujian Province while attending the First Wuyi Forum, hosted by Renmin University of China. At a parallel forum, he made a speech titled A New Model for Human Progress.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM


Javier García (Photo: China News Network/ Zhao Li)eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

He spoke highly of the Chinese path to modernization. “There are three fundamental aspects of the Chinese model that I consider crucial: the construction of an ecological civilization, the peaceful development, and the pragmatic approach,” he said.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

He pointed out that the shift in China's ecological awareness and the priority given to the environment and sustainable development in its policies in recent years has been radical.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

“China is building a green civilization and has emerged as a major driver of the global energy transition. It is a world leader in renewable energy, electric vehicles, reforestation, and innovative ecological projects such as the sponge cities,” he said.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

Talking about China’s peaceful development path, Javier said it is influenced by ancient Chinese culture.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

“China has a very strong culture which goes back about thousands of years ago. This is very important even now for China. For instance, its peaceful development has a lot to do with ancient figures and philosophers like Confucius or Laozi and even Buddhism in China,” he said in an interview with China News Network.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

Noting China’s basic principles in international relations like respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity, no aggression and peaceful coexistence, García believes they are very important for the world and said “China is a very good example.”eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

As a seasoned media professional, García also criticized some Western media's distorted reporting on China. “There is a clear campaign to denigrate the image of China. Whether China does good things or not, some Western media have always described the bad side, even the very good things that China does, like it has already alleviated the extreme poverty and the ecological policies of China,” he said. In this regard, he believes the report on China should be objective.eLM流量资讯——探索最新科技、每天知道多一点LLSUM.COM

本文链接:Insights | Chinese path to modernization a valid model for challenges facing humanity: Spanish scholhttp://www.llsum.com/show-5-10085-0.html


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