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2024-06-28 17:32:29 来源: 科学网
  直播时间:2024年6月28日(周五)20:00-21:30   直播平台:     科学网APP   https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321325050243980066959   (科学网微博直播间链接)       科学网微博   科学网视频号   北京时间2024年6月28日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第192期邀请到了波尔多大学Hamida Hallil Abbas教授进行分享!此外,北京大学Hongjie Hu,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院Jiamin Chen,上海交通大学Zhuoqing Yang等教授担任嘉宾,中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所Chi Zhang担任主持人。   这将是一场汇聚顶尖学者的盛会,共同探讨前沿科技与学术挑战!更多精彩,敬请期待!   【嘉宾介绍】     Hamida Hallil Abbas   波尔多大学   Future Challenges and Opportunities for Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave-Based Sensors in Environmental and Medical Health   【Abstract】   This presentation delves into recent advancements in electromagnetic and acoustic wave-based sensors, highlighting their crucial role in environmental and medical health applications. By leveraging resonance phenomena, these sensors can detect biological and chemical species and measure physical quantities. We will discuss the design and application of "passive" resonant sensors, such as acoustic, magnetoelastic, and electromagnetic transducers, emphasizing their integrability and energy autonomy.   Furthermore, we will explore various measurement techniques for studying the properties of neurons and cardiomyocytes, addressing the challenges related to cardiac and neurological disorders. Recent studies, including those involving phononic crystal waveguides and other dedicated platforms for in vitro disease screening, will be showcased to illustrate the potential of these technologies. In addition, we will focus on promising technological advancements in RF piezoelectric acoustic wave devices, particularly those utilizing two-dimensional materials like transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), with a special emphasis on MoS2. These materials meet the growing demands of wireless communication, IoT, 5G, and sensing applications by offering enhanced working frequencies, reduced insertion loss, and improved integration. We will discuss the potential of 3R−MoS2-based FBAR/SMR RF filters and their applications in high-frequency sensing, along with the challenges of ensuring the durability and longevity of these devices.   A discussion on the future challenges and opportunities for developing sustainable sensor technologies will highlight the importance of international collaboration in creating processes for designing durable devices with a comprehensive life cycle approach. Additionally, key questions will be posed to bridge the gap between sensor technology and real-world applications, emphasizing the potential of multiphysics and multi-transducer platforms.   这次演讲将深入探讨了基于电磁波和声波的传感器的最新进展,突出了它们在环境和医疗健康应用中的关键作用。利用共振现象,这些传感器能够检测生物和化学种类,并测量物理量。Hamida Hallil Abbas将讨论"被动"共振传感器的设计和应用,例如声学、磁弹性和电磁换能器,强调它们的集成性和能量自主性。   此外,Hamida Hallil Abbas将探索研究神经元和心肌细胞特性的各种测量技术,解决与心脏和神经系统疾病相关的挑战。将展示包括声子晶体波导和其他专用体外疾病筛查平台在内的最新研究,以展示这些技术的潜力。此外,将重点关注射频压电声波器件中的有希望的技术进步,特别是那些使用二维材料,如过渡金属硫化物(TMDs),特别强调二硫化钼(MoS2)。这些材料通过提供更高的工作频率、降低插入损耗和改进集成,满足了无线通信、物联网、5G和传感应用的不断增长的需求。Hamida Hallil Abbas将讨论基于3R−MoS2的FBAR/SMR射频滤波器的潜力及其在高频传感中的应用,以及确保这些设备耐用性和寿命的挑战。   关于开发可持续传感器技术的未来挑战和机遇的讨论将突出国际合作在创建具有全面生命周期方法的耐用设备设计流程中的重要性。此外,将提出关键问题以弥合传感器技术与实际应用之间的差距,强调多物理和多换能器平台的潜力。【BIOGRAPHY】   Hamida Hallil, Ing., PhD, is an Associate Professor in electrical engineering at Bordeaux University and is affiliated with the IMS lab (CNRS, UMR 5218) in France. Her research focuses on the design of innovative devices and sensors using electromagnetic and acoustic transduction modes. She has a background in microtechnologies (materials and processes) and has developed expertise in understanding the interaction mechanisms involved in chemical and biological detection. From 2018, she spent two years as an Adjunct Research Scientist at the School of EEE, NTU, and CINTRA lab in Singapore, where her work centered on developing 2D-based acoustic and microwave devices. She has supervised more than twenty PhD students and master’s theses and currently oversees additional PhD and master’s students. Dr. Hallil has co-authored over 80 publications in top-tier journals and conferences, authored one book and three book chapters, holds two patents.   In addition to her university responsibilities, where she is a member of the academic council, she has been an active member of the IEEE Sensors Council since 2018. She has held several leadership positions, including Chair of the France Chapter and Chair of the Educational, WISE, and Publicity Committees. She has also served on the organizing and technical committees of various IEEE conferences, including IEEE SENSORS, DTIP, NMDC (from 2017 to 2024), and IEEE COINS & ICECS (from 2020 to 2022).   Her research work and dedication to the sensor community have been recognized and rewarded through 20 invited talks, 5 best paper awards, and additional recognition awards.   Hamida Hallil博士是波尔多大学电气工程系的副教授,并且是法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的IMS实验室(UMR 5218)的成员。她的研究集中在利用电磁和声波换能模式设计创新设备和传感器。她拥有微技术(材料和工艺)背景,并在理解化学和生物检测中涉及的相互作用机制方面发展了专业知识。自2018年起,她在新加坡南洋理工大学的电子电气工程学院和CINTRA实验室担任了两年的兼职研究科学家,她的工作集中在开发基于二维材料的声波和微波设备。她已经指导了超过二十名博士生和硕士生的论文,并目前还在指导更多的博士生和硕士生。哈利勒博士已合著了80多篇顶级期刊和会议论文,撰写了一本书和三章书籍,并持有两项专利。   除了她在大学的职责,作为学术委员会的成员外,自2018年以来,她一直是IEEE传感器委员会的活跃成员。她担任过多个领导职位,包括法国分会主席以及教育、女性、智能系统和公共关系委员主席。她还曾在多个IEEE会议的组织和技术委员会任职,包括IEEE SENSORS、DTIP、NMDC(从2017年到2024年)和IEEE COINS & ICECS(从2020年到2022年)。   她的研究工作和对传感器社区的奉献已通过20次邀请演讲、5个最佳论文奖和其他认可奖项得到认可和奖励。      




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